What you need to know

  • All fits require an appointment, booked in advance.
  • If needed, new parts (approved by the rider) will be charged in addition to the base price of the fit package. Extra parts are not included in Fit Package pricing. 
  • We may conclude at the end of a Fit that your bike is not suited to you. If this is the case, we will discuss possible options with you. Velosync will do everything possible to make it work, however some configurations may just not be possible.
  • You will be required to wear your regular cycling kit or triathlon kit and cycling shoes. Please be sure to bring all your cycling shoes as all must be looked at when evaluating Bike Fit.
  • Proper Bike Fitting is an investment of your time and money. It's important that when you are with us you are ready to spend the necessary time on the bike, be ready and alert. Hydration is very important the night before and during the fit. Please bring water and consider bringing food for longer Fit sessions. 

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